Telecare eNewsletter October 2012

November is conference season and we have seen recent announcements on dementia and housing funding, technology for nurses and the possibility of a paperless NHS by the end of 2015. The consultation on the care and support bill has closed and there is much talk of integrated health and social care in England. NHS24 in Scotland has announced that it will concentrate on tablets, smartphones and digital TV for its future telehealth programmes and English Ministers Jeremy Hunt and Norman Lamb have been talking about the importance of technology in health and social care. New NHS bodies are being launched in England (Commissioning Board, Healthwatch). The Knowledge Transfer Network has a new resource on assisted living UK capabilities. Conference season continues with Telecare Services Association, Royal Society of Medicine and dallas interoperability.

The links section is now available in a separate supplement rather than in the main newsletter (doc, pdf). A selection from this month's listing is covered in the newsletter.

The newsletter contains a list of KTN/ALIP activities, conferences and workshops from the UK and Europe over the coming weeks as well as news from the UK and around the world. For weekly news, updates and information, you can register with the Technology Strategy Board, ALIP group and the DALLAS sub-group. You can follow the dallas programme on Twitter at @dallas_connect. Also 3 Million Lives is now on Twitter at @3MillLives and now on LinkedIn. If you would like daily information on #telecare and #telehealth, then a Twitter stream is available (you do not need to register on Twitter and it is accessible to organisations not able to connect directly to social media).

KTN - Telecare LIN newsletter October 2012

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