Minister launches new network

This month saw Health and Care Minister Ivan Lewis launch the Whole Systems Demonstrator Action Network. WSDAN aims to combine research and educational and experiential learning opportunities to examine the progress and impact of telecare and telehealth in enabling long-term conditions management. In addition to the website, a key element will be to provide networking events and research and development activities.

The network is run by both CSIP Networks and the King's Fund, with financial support from the Department of Health.

WSDAN comprises an action research programme involving 10-12 member sites. In addition it provides an integrated point of access for published materials on the evidence base in the development of telecare, telehealth and community based telemedicine. WSDAN will share learning from the three White Paper Whole System Demonstrator sites (Cornwall, Kent and Newham).

Access to the website is free and people can also sign up for email alerts to news, events and publications.

Visit the WSD website at (opens new window) and for the latest on a wide range of telecare and telehealth activites that complement WSDAN visit the telecare website at