Housing LIN Newsletter March 2013
In this issue, we bring you:
- policy and funding news: The Budget, the Care & Support Specialised Housing Fund, the HCA Affordable Housing Programme and DH Dementia-friendly capital allocations and much more
- Market news: the latest on what's happening in the sector including our new online Strategic Housing for Older People Analysis Tool (SHOP@) from EAC and the Housing LIN which has been designed to help you forecast demand for specialist housing in your area up to 2030
- New Housing LIN publications: a selection of interesting new viewpoints on housing rights and responsibilities in extra care; designing for dementia; the meaning of home and community for an ageing society; and an integrated approach to personalisation; and a case study on a DH funded extra care housing scheme for people with dementia
- Other useful publications: details of new resources on housing and older people, health and social care, and other housing and dementia issues
- Telecare LIN update: latest information from the world of telecare and telehealth
- Calls for information: we would like to hear your views on the Care & Support Funding proposals
- Latest consultations: have your say on NICE quality standards and rolling out personal health budgets
- Regional Housing LIN round-up: coverage of housing with care initiatives in your region
- Housing LIN meetings and events: information on our South & South West Housing LIN conference and WM meeting
- Annual Housing LIN Award: details on how to enter the national housing for older people awards
- Poetry corner: and for something completely different!
We are grateful to Willmott Dixon for their support of this issue of Housing with Care Matters